Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bubble Pop Electric

This just makes me happy. Hello Kitty meets Lady Gaga. Harajuku whaaaaaat?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

big red balloon

Walking back to my apartment in the winter makes me feel just as good as this video.

Monday, January 4, 2010


I just confessed my undying love for these shoes. Sparkles must be my inspiration for 2010. (Recently snagged the jcrew magic wallet that is decked in multi-colored sparkles.) This is one of many things you may not know about me.

Thanks to Rachel, I have found myself checking wedding blogs everyday. Sure you may think I'm mad BUT you have to see them for yourself. Beautiful pictures of people celebrating their love for one another. This wedding in particular has me sold. Everything your about to see add Vermont + my family and friends + a mystery man into the mix and this is my dream. This post couldn't be more sugar coated if I tried so if you've had enough, you may not want to read any futher.

IF you can stand it, take a peek and I promise you won't be able to stop.

Another thing you may not know... I love Britney Spears. I think that's an understatement. This morning after an intensive Bikram class I just wanted to kick it before I met Rachel/ bopped around the city. I plopped down on my red couch and turned on the tube. ::SMILE:: Britney Spears For the Record was on MTV. Yoga certainly set the tone for my day, but Britney put the extra spring in my step.

I can't help, but feel connected to her. When I was in Australia and her world was falling apart my room mates and I were convinced that had I been in the states beside Britney, her life would not have fallen apart. Before you roll your eyes, bottom line, this woman has given me constant inspiration as a girl. She gave my Catholic school uniform a new use for every halloween to follow. When I danced with Ardie for the first time, he asked me where I got my moves from and without skipping a beat I said, "Britney Spears." When I asked him the same question, he responded "I was born this way." (Of course.)

Britney is a force of strength & a cord of inspiration within my life. So enjoy a blast from the past. :D

Saturday, January 2, 2010

a collision of color and truth

This picture reminded me of Dorothy and her ruby red slippers.

These shoes were Dorothy's most vibrant and important assets as she explored the vibrant Land of Oz. She walked long and far to find her way home and yet she had exactly what she needed all along.

With a new year upon us, I can't help but be grateful for everything that I have. As humans we have a tendency to keep wanting more and more yet, what we already have is all that we need.

I hate to admit it, but at times my heart can weigh heavy and this becomes a mantra in my day. If there is no clarity, it can sometimes carry me through to the next, but I remind myself that every day is new as the last and you must be gentle with yourself. It can be exhausting, searching for that exact dose of remedy to better ourselves, whether it be by traveling to the ends of the earth (guilty!) or overindulging ourselves in things that we think will attain to our better self. The heart of the matter is the search is only going to bring you right back to the start. YOU.

Yesterday morning I woke up completely satisfied with the New Year. The blue moon on New Year's Eve brought me new life, energy, and movement within my body as I danced the night away with the people I loved. When I woke up there was a fresh layer of white powdery snow over the city of Boston. I glanced at Jasmine, sleeping on the couch, and looked at my vision board that needed to be revamped for the New Year. I saw the mug that Jen bought me for Christmas it reads, "I enter this day with a peaceful heart." It couldn't have felt more true.

I am constantly reminding myself that I am the ruby red slippers that Dorothy had all along. I may travel to the edge of the earth or be in my flat in Boston, but no matter where I am, I am home. I am the positive constant in my life. May we constantly be reminded that we are the sparkly, vibrant assets to the core of our own lives.